Article: "Why security and usability don't go hand in hand."
Wrong. In fact, so wrong I'll say it several more times. Wrong wrong wrong wrong wrong wrong. The most succinct way to say why is this:
If it isn't usable, it's not secure. If it's not secure, it isn't usable.
Not only do they go hand in hand, they absolutely must go hand in hand. These are not two axes that must be constantly balanced against one another. That view is outmoded and grounded in the idea that we make something secure by making it less usable, and you make it more usable by making it less secure. Why must that be?
Consider this: if something is "secure" but not "usable," what will those who need to use it do? Figure out a way to make it usable, which will almost certainly obviate whatever security measures were put into place. If something is "usable" but not "secure," well, that speaks for itself. Expect to see articles on pogowasright and security mags lambasting your laxness.
I'd say I can't believe this is even a question, but obviously it is, ergo I must believe. But I don't have to be happy about it.




