After some fiddling, I got mpijohn going on my Rocks 4.3 cluster.  Kind of dirty, but what I did was to extract and build to ~/src/mpijohn, then mkdir ~/john to hold working files and such.

I made a file called johnboxes that looked like this:



-np 1 john -incremental /home/mpatters/john/passwd.1  
-np 1 john -incremental /home/mpatters/john/passwd.1  
-np 1 john -incremental /home/mpatters/john/passwd.1  
-np 1 john -incremental /home/mpatters/john/passwd.1  

where passwd.1 was an appropriate prepared passwd/shadow file combination.

A shell script to rule them all:

mpirun --hostfile ${JOHN}/johnboxes --app ${JOHN}/john_appfile  

Then I called the shell script, and away it went.  I did get some bitching like this:

libibverbs: Fatal: couldn't open sysfs class 'infiniband_verbs'.
[0,1,2]: OpenIB on host compute-0-2 was unable to find any HCAs.  
Another transport will be used instead, although this may result in lower performance.

but I don't think that's the end of the world; google suggested a few ways to make it go away.  I'd also had to just

ln -s ~/src/john/run/* .

in my john directory, but that was mostly because I got bored of fiddling with paths.  That effectively put john.conf and password.lst in CWD.

Five minutes later, I had my first hit off a machine that had been compromised.  I don't know if that makes me happy or sad.  It took me a bit of fiddling to get this far, given that I'd never really used OpenMPI before, so some judicious use of Google assisted me.  Now I just need more hardware for my cracking cluster and I will be able to inflict much agony on my users.




