Just a couple of brief notes.
I can't say anything that somebody else hasn't already said, but is Charles Wang nuts? How does a guy get that rich while being that stupid? Didn't he learn from Yashin? (Obviously not.)
Philly offers Kesler an RFA sheet. Smart move. He'll either overpay a bit for somebody who is, by all appearances, settling down to be a fine centreman, or he'll put the screws a bit to a GM. I'm surprised he didn't try to take advantage of LL in New Jersey though - why not go for a conference rival?
By all accounts, Alexei "Traktor Boy" Mikhnov is doing well in Alberta - hopefully he can keep it up, and doesn't fade like Shremp did last season. (And speaking of Hot Dog, I'm sure he's got his sights set on the NHL this season.)
It should be an interesting season. I'm listening to Kevin Lowe's "Oilers Live" from 31 August, he said "as a fan I'm excited, as a general manager I'm scared to death" - pretty honest-sounding assessment. He says Roli's knee is better now, just fine. Linda's listening with me, Lowe talked a bit about FCP - he brought up the weather about a billion times, as she pointed out. You think that's why they moved? I wonder if that's why Lowe had trouble moving him to the East - he mentioned that a couple times too, that he'd have liked to have gotten CP away from them. Lots of eastern teams are wintery.
I thought about it, but I don't think I'm going to bother getting Centre Ice again this year - I'll be taking a class in January and that'll keep me busy, plus it's \$200+ that we just don't have right now. C'est la vie, hopefully there aren't as many blackouts this year as last.



